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"Spending time iN Nature.             
         will make your heart sing"


Many great locations planned for your photographic learning experiences in 2024. Select your trip HERE



Is there somewhere you & your friends wish to visit and photograph? I can help plan an amazing custom road trip you'll not soon forget!


Want to create your own learning path. I can help you with a plan and a direction along the way. MORE HERE 



Are you looking for some stunning and unique fine art photography for your office or home? How about as a gift for that special someone? I got you covered MORE HERE

Soul Road Trips offer amazing photography workshops, road trips, seminars and adventure opportunities all over the continental United States, Alaska, Cuba, The Faroe Islands and Norway. Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland are soon to come! Recharge your passion while you immerse yourself in everything photographic. Join other like-minded folks at some of the most stunning landscapes you will ever see. After all . . . it's "more better".


Join our email list and stay informed RIGHT HERE
©2024 Jeff Johnson Fine Art Photography


Get Your Exciting New Dramatic Sky Backgrounds RIGHT HERE 

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JJ at Work

in·sti·gate - [in-sti-geyt]
verb (used with object), in·sti·gat·ed, in·sti·gat·ing.
1 - to cause by incitement; to instigate a photographic discussion.
2 - to urge, provoke, or incite to some action or course: to instigate 
the people to attend a photographic workshop or road trip.

Career photographer and portrait artist, I have turned my weekend getaways into educational workshops. A friend once asked me if they could come along on one of my "Road Trips". The name just  kinda stuck. So I invite you to join me on one of these adventures . . . you will have the time of your life.


I'll work with you at whatever level you are comfortable with. No matter your experience, I can help you with your equipment needs. I'll also help you with your camera habits including pre-visualization, composition, the exposure triangle and more. Then we can dig-in to post-processing and enhancing your images. I am thrilled to share with you my 40+ years of experience, tips, tricks, techniques, and bad jokes.


I have been a professional photographer for over 40+ years and have photographed almost everything from babies to brides, families to CEO's and bread knives to buildings. But my deepest passion is to spend time with Mother Nature. If you'd like to see what you might create check out my fine art web site at


So, take a break from whatever it is you do and spend some time with me in my world. You can't help but to learn and laugh. I promise that you'll feel great about your time spent indulging yourself. I can almost guarantee you'll be back for more Road Trips once you try one. No . . . really!

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What folks are saying about Soul Road Trips . . .

"I have been photographing professionally for almost 30 years and I still take Jeff's workshops and classes. He always teaches me something new."         Johnny Wilson



I offer several educational opportunities for you to learn and advance your photography skills. And why not?


If you are just starting out and need some help with learning your camera and its controls. Maybe you want to know more about the exposure triangle or composition. How's your Lightroom and Photoshop skills? I offer individual or small group educational workshops, tutorials or the ever popular Zoom meetings. Just let me
know what you are interested in.

OneOnOne Education


Would you like some feedback on your imagery? I offer video critiques on your work. Don't worry . . . I won't embarrass or insult you with my comments. Only designed to make you a stronger image maker.

Video Image Critiques


Would you be interested in a personal or small group Road Trip. Let's  custom design a Road Trip just for you at a place you've been
longing to visit and photograph.

Custom Road Trips


Soul Road Trips Gift Certificates are a great gift for your photography friends who have everything. What about yourself?
Give the gift of vision.

SRT Gift Certificates

A Journey of One along the Great Sandunes in Colorado
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